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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Beautiful Wedding Jewelry

Goodness here I am, woefully behind on blogging. I owe all 3 of my blog readers a lot of horse pictures.  Possibly pictures of horses wearing hats.

I'm excited to blog today about the most beautiful wedding jewelry.  The best part?  I know the designer. My good friend Jennifer designs gorgeous necklaces, earrings and bracelets for brides-to-be and bridal parties.  I've given Jennifer's designs as gifts (sadly never at a wedding ;-) and they are always a hit.

If you like what you see at Blue Room Gems, I hope you'll treat yourself to one of Jennifer's designs or help spread the word to others.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy birthday, Gryphn!

Happy 31st birthday to Gryphn! To celebrate, he had a party with his friends Gary, Duke, and Spirit.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Bunnies

Bunnies were out in full force this weekend.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A warning to Tarheels everywhere

A warning to Tarheels everywhere, delivered in true NC style.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Sad news tonight. That's right - my cousin's Tercel has gone to that giant car show in the sky. You know the one, where all the cars are in mint condition and everyone oohs and aahs over every car - even the Tercels.

I bought the Tercel new in 1995. Just out of school and poor (although I felt wealthy at the time), the best car I could afford featured vinyl seats and crank windows. Stick shift. No power steering. No rear-view mirror on the passenger side. No frills.

The Tercel was with me for some great adventures. We saw the view at the Grand Canyon, went camping at the Outer Banks, took in a Grateful Dead concert, and hauled lots of friends over those 11 years. It was with me in NC, Dallas, NC, LA, again in NC, then MD, and finally VA. It was even in a movie - the remake of Invasion of the Bodysnatchers with Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig. I was a background stunt driver on that film.

The day I surprised my cousin, Forest, in Iowa with the Tercel was pretty cool. Grandma was still alive then. She was so happy that day. I'll never forget it, not just because I got to do something cool for Forest but because it was one of my last special visits with Grandma. I miss her. RIP.

Update on 3/15/2012:
Details about the Tercel's ending in Minnesota:

Forest Cochran
I was on my way with a couple friends to see a group called odd future in minneapolis, and we broke down on exit 26 in minnesota, which was one mile from a town called ellensdale. I actually had to pull off to the shoulder on 35 because it made a really terrible sound, and a trooper ended up pushing us on the shoulder all the way to the next exit and into the parking lot of the nearby gas station. Needless to say, we were unable to go to the show, but we got a little exercise walking into town and we hung out at a bar for a couple hours until we walked back to the gas station and waited for my dad to pick us up and bring us back to des moines.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


If you haven't met my brother yet, I hope you get to one day. For now, you can check him out on this video about Cubjac, where he owns a home. Dan's segment begins at the 4:08 mark.

C'est bon!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


LinkedIn just notified me that 88 of my contacts changed jobs last year. That's a lot of folks. 2011 was a good year. Lots of promotions and bigger shifts. Call me number 89.

When a door closes, a window opens. Here's to windows. Cheers!